For questions not listed here, send your inquiries to:
Q: What are structural insulated panels?
A: Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) consist of a foam core of rigid insulation laminated between two sheets of 7/16" Oriented Strand Board (OSB) with an industrial adhesive to form one solid structural member. Other lamination faces are available, both structural and non structural. These SIP panel components serve as your exterior wall roof and/or floor systems to give you loading and spanning capabilities not found in ordinary construction. We can custom cut each panel to your desired house plan to insure quality and speed of construction as well as an energy efficient home that cannot be matched by fiberglass batt insulation/stick framing.
Q: How do I run electrical in an enclosed panel?
A: We supply, upon your request and discretion, horizontal wire chases located through the core of your panel at standard outlet and switch heights. Vertical chases are not made on the edges of the panel, they are cored within the panels. Wire channel cores will allow your electrician to snake wires through these channels and loop from under the floor or in your roof trusses.
Q: Will using SIP panels limit my home design?
A: Not at all! We manufacture all panels to your specifications and your home design. Panels work in conjunction with roof trusses, floor systems and any other building products used to build your home.
Q: What is the R-Value of these Panels?
A: A lamination of OSB/EPS/OSB: SIP's have whole wall "R" values listed in the table below at 40 F. "R" value is important to the home owner and builder as it's the thermal efficiency of SIP's that bring them even further above standard construction. Thermal efficiency is also improved by the lack of moisture penetration and air leakage through the panel that really means the most to you in significant energy savings.
Q: How much does it cost to build a SIP house?
A: Total finished price will be very competitively priced.